goals and journey

persona, who the hell am i?

(manifesting my daydreams into reality! underlined text means are things that i am proudly coming closer to achieving!)
ana is a cool person, and knows how to enjoy her life beside studying and working. she has a bunch of hobbies, and keeps philosophy that making something kinda ugly is still better than doing nothing.
she has many friends, and goes out at least once in week. she makes friends everywhere she goes and she's very charismatic. ana has an active love life and loves to go out on dates and meet new people.
she is very normal about human interactions and not socially awkard at all. she's confident, but not arrogant.
an important part of her is her kindness and humilty, she tries her best to be a good person and make people around her proud.
ana's vegeratian, and she respects animals a lot. she is also not afraid to be herself, let it be her hair, piercings, tattoos make-up, and overrall style: it all screams ana, and she couldn't be more proud of being herself.