goals and journey
about me
goals & journey
dream log
m pray every day.
e drink more water.
e more flexible.
e walk 10000 steps every day.
e get enough sleep.
e read one book per week.
e start running.
e do yoga every day.
e be mindful while eating.
e try intermitent fasting.
e stop snaking mindlessly.
e calisthenics.
e eat less sweets!
e list 1 thing i am grateful for.
e brush my teeth 3 times a day.
e learn 7 new make-ups.
e watch more documentaries.
e write one piece of writing.
e journal every day.
e stretch every day.
e meditate daily.
e wake up at 5:00 a.m.
e eat less processed food.
e practice fasting for longer periods.
e dance (even if it is a little).
e eat slowly.
2023 wrap up:
[X] i wake up at 7 am.
i eat breakfast daily.
i always prioritize my work.
[X] i don't usually stretch in the morning.
i take short breaks to refresh my mind throughout the day.
i make time for a nutritious lunch.
[X] i spend too much time on my phone in the afternoon.
[X] i am scared to interact with colleagues.
i complete my work tasks efficiently.
[X] i don't give enough attention to my personal life.
[X] i usually work at night.
i have a nutritious dinner.
[X] i don't spend quality time with my loved ones.
[X] i don't unwind with a good book or a favorite tv show.
[X] i don't practice gratitude before bedtime.
[X] i don't turn off electronic devices an hour before sleep.
[X] i don't have a calming bedtime routine.
i get into bed at a reasonable hour.
i sleep peacefully throughout the night.
i wake up feeling refreshed and energized.
[X] i work out four times a month.
i prioritize self-care and mindfulness.
[X] i don't incorporate exercise into my daily routine.
[X] i don't make time for hobbies that bring me joy.
i express gratitude for the positive aspects of my day.
i stay hydrated by drinking enough water.
i take moments to appreciate the present.
i maintain a clean and organized living space.
[X] i don't limit screen time before bedtime.
[X] i don't practice deep breathing to relax.
i go to bed with a positive mindset for the next day.
[X] i don't have any hobbies.
[X] i eat two to three portions of sweets daily.
[X] i don't know how to dance.
desired 2024:
i want to wake up at 5 am.
i want to stretch in the morning.
i want to run daily.
i want to invest on skin care.
i want to make new friends.
i want to give attention to my personal life.
i want to usually work in the afternoon.
i have a nutritious dinner.
i want to spend quality time with my loved ones.
i want to read more.
i want to practice gratitude before bedtime.
i want to turn off electronic devices an hour before sleep.
i want to have a calming bedtime routine.
i want to exercise more.
i want to start either ballet or volleyball.
i want to make time for hobbies that bring me joy.
i want to limit screen time.
i want to practice deep breathing.
i want to get new hobbies.
i want to eat less sweets.
i want to learn how to dance.
basic info: s.w. 60 kg / g.w. 48 kg
V i want to improve my physical health, and get tired less easily!
V i want to enhance my mental health and happiness! :)
V i want to increase my energy levels.
V i want to interact with more people, and make new friends, who may share the same hobby as me!
V i want to have a longer life expectancy!
V i want to avoid having diabetes since i'm scared of needles...
V i want to have better stress coping management!
V i want to enhance my mobility and flexibility.